Casino Night was a big success!
18 days ago these 5 guys hung out, in this garage, drinking beer, and decided they needed to do something for their good friend and Peacemaker Brother Rick...a.k.a. Nympho :o
SO...The idea of a poker game was brought up and it ballooned from there.
Thanks again to Dave, Scotty, Jay, Jake and Brian, and Rick the CUTE yellow man in the middle there and wife Bev. Peacemakers Forever (I'm only a peacemaker wife so I'm not really allowed to know what the codes are all it is evident that the Peacemaker Brotherhood is strong)
Their creative efforts and hard work resulted in contributions from friends, family, coworkers and even a few people who don't even know us, and will make our financial situation throughout this difficult and stressful time just a little bit easier to deal with.
Because of the generosity of our wonderful friends we have a little less to worry about where medical bills and short paychecks are concerned.
I want to express how much Rick and I appreciate all the support we recieved and the overwhelming emotion that we felt on that night!
It is impossible to put into words just how much love and caring we felt that night and we're still feeling almost every day from our friends.
There are so many people to thank that I couldn't even begin to acknowledge everyone who contributed, however I do want to say that the "Thank you" list is at least as LONG as the GUEST LIST and for those of you who didn't get an opportunity to show up and/or to fill out the guest list at casino night...Please Please Please know that you are very much loved and appreciated. And we'd absolutely Love to have you stop by and sign it, it WILL mean ALOT to us someday!
Once again I would like to thank EVERYONE who showed support and is still giving us so much hope and encouragement in these difficult times. Keep the good karma flowin our way :)
CANCER SUCKS.!!!!!!!!!!
RICK ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The casino night was awesome! I wish I could have done more to help out but I was also glad that I was there with you two to give my moral support throughout the event! We love you guys so much. CANCER SUCKS and it can be beat....or at least prolonged for a long time if you just keep fighting!
You guys ROCK!!! You're maintaining a positive attitude which is what sometimes wins battles. We are all praying for you and know you can kick the living shizzit out of this disease. God Bless you guys.
And its PFFP...sheesh Bev. :-)
Dearest Bev (its nice meeting you...wink, wink) that little pun was to try and make you smile and for you to know that I think the world of you and Rick...Poker night was always fun.
Jim and I send our sincerest thoughts and prayers to you during this difficult time. May you find peace and calmness in the next few days; I lit a candle this morning so that Rick may find his way to peace and to you and your family for calmness. (The candle will remain lit until no longer needed). Please let me know if we can do anything for you whether it's cleaning, grocery shopping, or you just need a new shoulder to lean on.801-263-3099
Take care and may God give your heart peace as well.
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