Monday, January 26, 2009

Good News!

Good news! My Dad was released from the hospital on Saturday and he is back home in St George. He will have some occupational therapy and rehab, but should be back to 100% soon.

I also wanted to share something that really touched my heart. When we came home from vacation, we received a stack of condolence cards that had been sent to Murray PD. Several of them contained donations, all of them very much appreciated but there were a few in particular that touched my heart in a very special way.

There were 3 envelopes from a Murray Detective, 1 from him and 2 from his kids. Cassidy is only twelve years old and she gave my family what must have been her entire savings because it was more money than most twelve year olds have at one time. And her little sister Carly who is only ten, contributed several dollars plus change, probably her savings as well. When I opened up those envelopes my heart just swelled, I smiled, then I cried, totally overwhelmed by emotion at the selflessness and generosity of this family. Those sweet girls didn't know Rick or my family, but they wanted to help anyway.
THANK YOU! Cassidy, Carly and their Dad.

There was another card with a donation from a very sweet lady from Vernal whom we don't know and she probably doesn't know us. I just kind of get the feeling that she may not have much money, but she wanted to do what she could for us. Margaret in Vernal you brightened my day. THANK YOU SWEETIE!

And once again, I find myself wanting to thank Brian for his ongoing support without which I would no doubt be in a padded room by now. Also, thanks to Kerri and Heather for helping me with all the miserable paperwork stuff that makes me cry every time I even think about it.

I'm getting great emotional support from some very special people. I started to list off names of my friends and family who have been here for me no matter what, but then I changed my mind and decided that...
you know who you are...Thanks!

Go Cardinals! Go Kurt Warner!!

1 comment:

BRAGG LIFE said...

That is just such awesome news about your Dad Bev...I'm so glad he's coming around and looks like he can pull out of this at 100%. You story about all the cards made me cry! I just cant believe the outpouring of love! I shoudlnt be surprise. Rick is one in a million! Cant wait to see you Sunday!!